Domestique history
Domestique is a residential cleaning business that has been operational since 2005. As part of our diversification programme and a vision to expand the business, we began offering franchising partnerships in 2010. The business model mirrored our tried and tested methodology from previous years which lends itself to being replicable. Our inaugurating principles throughout the franchise launch were to ensure support was readily available, consistent and above all, reinforced brand standards.
Why choose the Domestique franchise?
- Do you want to take control of your future?
- Are you willing to work alongside a committed franchisor who will endow you with his knowledge?
- Do you seek an opportunity to supplement your income for the finer things in life?
- Do you have the willpower and tenacity to overcome adversity?
- Are you willing to learn new skills and gain insight into a dynamic, fast-moving industry?
- Then we are the franchise business for you!
- Minimum investment - £7,495 + VAT
- Low management flat fee of just £100 + VAT per month
The franchise suite comprises:
- 6-month Google Adwords paid by us
- No franchise fee for the first 3 months – after the first 3 months, the franchise management fee is staggered to make things easier
- Low management flat fee
- Exclusive territory
- Call centre service for all calls and messaging
- Training and use of custom-built Management Information System
- Intensive training in managing and building a successful residential cleaning business
- No-nonsense ongoing support via telephone, system or in person at Head Office
- Access and use of Domestique documentation
- Dedicated Franchisee Forum
- Licence to trade under the Domestique brand
- No additional payout for vehicle, premises or equipment
- Bi-yearly franchisee meetings
Decision making
No sales skills are required, as the client will contact you. However, as part of our marketing strategy, we encourage you to advertise locally using our pre-designed materials.
Domestique has successfully operated within the residential arena and is now offering you the opportunity to manage a unique business partnership that is both a remunerative and proven model. We endeavour to prepare you for success.
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